Monday, April 21, 2008

Finals Day 1 complete

So today we had our first day of finals and I had two of them. They were both really easy so it was a good day to just get in the finals mode and get them over with...nothing to special there.

the worst part is that i have my possibly medium hardness test on wensday and also my hard test on wensday as i have been studian all day for those...well as much as my brain can handle....

but we did find this great new game...actually 2 but i like one better, the one i like is called dice it its pretty awsome, its like risk but a lot easier and faster...and if you get real good, theres a mutiplayer site you can hit up and try to raise your ranks there....its pretty hard...

the other is called bloxorz...gooogle that too, its pretty fun, a real brain twister...thats why i like the other one better, not as much thinking involved...but i did beat all the levels...thank you...

well day one of 4, so thats not to bad at all...then summer break and then i get to chill with michelle and the family will be great


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